Tuition & 可购性
2024 - 2025年的Tuition
Your child's education is a high priority 和 has an impact on your family budget. We believe choosing 线上买球平台 is a wise investment in your child's future.
的 primary responsibility for independent school tuition lies with the family. 然而, we are committed to helping parents find ways to afford the choice of a 线上买球平台 education 和 offer tuition assistance to eligible students.
连续登记 is the ‘set it, 和 forget it’ approach to enroll 和 stay at 线上买球平台.
Tuition管理 是一个积分, mobile-friendly system that offers flexibility in payment options, 付款频率, 以及付款日期的选择.
事实:援助和赠款 makes it easier for parents to apply for tuition assistance 和 later view awards in the tuition management system.
通过提供强有力的Tuition援助计划, 线上买球平台 is able to enroll socio-economically diverse, mission-appropriate students who can experience a complete Montessori journey through 8th grade. We encourage any family that feels stretched to apply for tuition assistance. Tuition assistance at 线上买球平台 is self-funded, representing 15% of the operating budget. 平均奖金可以抵消50%的Tuition.
的 线上买球平台 校董会 annually allocates a portion of the operating budget for tuition assistance programs. We have three components to our tuition assistance program.
For the 2024-2025 academic year 线上买球平台 grants tuition assistance from three sources.
In 2023-2024
Assuming you have begun the process before the deadline, 线上买球平台 will let you know the amount of your award before a signed contract is due. If your school search does not align with our established calendar, don’t assume it’s too late to enroll or apply for tuition assistance for the next school year. Contact us 和 we will help you complete the process outlined above.
的 application deadline for returning families is December 5. 新家庭的截止日期是1月15日.